About Us:
8 creATEive is a collective of F&B aficionados who have come together to share their infinite vision and passion in the form of unique and progressive restaurants and bars in Hong Kong and the region.
At the core are two pairs of brothers, the Chellaram & Roopchand Brothers, along with the key members of their team, comprising the 8 creATEive. Having experience from the world over and being exposed to numerous rich cuisines and cultures, the team aims to share their love of food, drink and savoir faire. Each member brings a unique set of skills and experience resulting in a dynamic F&B collective. A family affair in more than 2 ways, the 8 are as close knit as they get.
With three venues in Hong Kong currently operating, Rummin’ Tings, Amalfitana and Fratelli have brought Caribbean flair and authentic Italian artisan pizzas and pastas to the market. Delivery brands Ribs’n’Baos and Uncle Momo add South East Asian and Nepalese cuisine to the mix from their cloud kitchens.

8 creATEive promises genuine unpretentious hospitality with a happening vibe and the very best of food and drink at the heart of each of their concepts. Not being conformists, the vision is to continue to grow opportunistically, by identifying gaps in the marketplace and filling them with cutting-edge new concepts.
Mission Statement:
Believing in authenticity while catering to the F&B needs of our local markets.